Let’s get you some shut eye
Designed to take you from the newborn days to the preschool years (and every false start in between), this is the holistic, all-encompassing sleep support you’ve been looking for.
If sleep is your family’s achilles heel and you:
want (need!) to make a change, but you have no.idea where to start…
don’t want to have to keep purchasing different courses as your family moves through various sleep stages and phases…
are a total research girlie and want evidence based information on sleep that’s rooted in attachment science, but…
need more than just the ‘why’ behind your child’s sleep… you need the how too! How make noteworthy changes to the sleep status quo in your house (because the current one ain’t it!).
The Supportive Sleep
(What I’m known for)
Used in a research study with proven results.
Evidence based - cross check my references (they’re always included).
Built to support the infant-parent dyad
and bolster the attachment relationship.
Rooted in developmental science and based on the work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, Bert Powell, Gordon Neufeld, Bruce Perry, Mona Delahooke and many more.
Easy to hop around - take what you need, when you need it.
More sleep, no sleep training.
a baby and toddler sleep course
that grows
with your child.
You get to stop stressing about your baby’s naps and just enjoy them. You know exactly when to cap a nap and when it’s time to cut it altogether. You don’t freak out anymore when a nap is shorter than you planned. And you’ve found the perfect balance between contact naps (heaven) and crib naps (sanity saving!).
Bedtime doesn’t cost you your life anymore. You’ve got a routine down-pat and it’s the perfect mix of sensory input and calming rituals. Your child is tired enough, but not overtired (and you actually know the difference!). You love the time you get to spend rocking or feeding them to sleep, but you also know how to move away from those things and get your partner involved when you’re ready.
You absolutely love sharing a sleep space with your baby now, because you’re confident you’re doing it safely and can move to independent sleep whenever it feels right for your family.
How many nightwakings are normal, and when do they become a red flag? What’s the best way to support your little one back to sleep in the night, and how can you reduce their nightwakings alltogether? We’ll answer all these questions and more. Gone are the days where your baby is treating 3am like it’s the middle of the day, ready to party. They actually (gasp) sleep at night?!
Room temperature, noise machine, black out blinds, what the hell all those TOG ratings mean and whether they even matter… you’ll be a sleep pro by the time we’re done here.
The hidden key to understanding your child! You know the intricacies of their temperament, how it shows up in their day-to-day lives, and what it means when it comes to their sleep needs.
You’re ready to stop bedsharing, but what’s next… a crib or a floor bed? Should your kids share a room, or sleep separately? How to get your partner - or another caregiver - to be able to support your little one to sleep?
here’s how IT WORKS
Understand what typical infant and toddler sleep looks like, including what the research has to say about sleep at each stage and phase. What’s normal, what’s cause for concern, and what sleep myths we can safely ignore.
Tackle the most common sleep challenges, including false starts, early risings, split nights, dropping a nap, overtiredness, separation anxiety, sleep progressions, and more.
Keep what you love, change what you don’t. Need to move away from contact naps and bedsharing to more crib sleep? Want help setting up a floor bed? Ready to nightwean? Want help getting your partner involved in bedtime or nightwakes? Over bouncing on a yoga ball and want your baby to fall asleep just cuddling in arms? It's all covered here.

less stress, MORE SLEEP.
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