so there’s this thing —

this false dichotomy
that either you sleep train or you wait it out.

you have options

it's bullshit

you have options • it's bullshit •

hi, i’m Kaitlin.

mama to two little girls and self-proclaimed child development geek, here to help you get more shut-eye .

it all began with a baby who


Armed with a degree in developmental psychology and more than a decade of experience working with children under five, I went into motherhood feeling pretty confident. It didn’t take long before I was knocked off my high horse.

I had naively assumed babies just - slept - when they were tired, but ten months in and my baby was still fighting naps during the day and waking every hour at night. I thought I was going to loose my mind. I turned to the internet for answers, but all I found were two camps: cry it out (or some form of ‘gentle’ sleep training that still involved separation-based methods)… or wait until she outgrew it.

I couldn’t do either.

finding the happy middle.

I knew enough about attachment to know leaving my daughter unsupported wasn’t the best way to foster hers. I also knew we both needed more sleep and less stress. so I enrolled in a sleep certification (and then a breastfeeding course, and then another sleep certification - I geek out on this stuff!) so I could find a way to marry attachment, sleep, and nighttime feeding. Now, I’m here to help you do the same.




Everytime we respond to our baby, we are telling them “I am here, this is worth it.” And they internalize, “They are here, therefore, I must be worth it.”

— Jude Cassidy

THE inner circle

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